The Dream of Poetry in Dance

Workshop at the Regional Conference
of the International Association for the Study of Dreams

This workshop The Dream of Poetry in Dance led by Devi Prem, draws on two art forms to interpret and express significant dreams. The imaginary world of poetry will create a bridge to the expressive movement of dance. Participants will interpret their own dream, being witnessed by a partner. This creates the skill of dream interpretation while being honored and welcomed by another. This fun exploration of the dream world allows creative ways to look at a dream from different perspectives with an invitation of embodied re-dreaming for potential change. The basis of this workshop draws from transpersonal psychology, specifically biblio- and poetry therapy, creative expression through art and movement, and dream interpretation groups. Devi’s background in facilitating transformative processes holds a strong container. The sequence of this facilitation starts with a relaxation practice to recall a significant dream, followed by time for journaling and guided poetry creation. Participants get to share their poem with a partner and bring it into dance form. The group will be split in half for this practice. Witnessing another is a significant part of the inner transformation, holding a space of love and welcoming the other’s world. The group will complete with a closing circle. All levels of dream experience and movement capacity are welcome.

International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD)
September 21, 2019
Whittier, CA

More Info and registration for the conference